
Distraction creates disconnection with here and now.

We live such distracted lives. Always thinking about what’s next. On our way to something new.

Family, friends, and neighbors surround us – but we’re too busy to connect.

We leave no room for quiet in our stressed-out lives. Yet our souls are starved for calm and connection.

We create problems that don’t exist.

If we could only learn to slow down and pay attention to what’s right in front of us, we’d worry less about what might happen next. We’d obsess less over failures from our past. We could enjoy life as it comes.

One of the greatest temptations of our lives is to live ahead of ourselves and not believe anything important is happening here and now.

In a world driven by FOMO, we start believing that the real thing is happening next week, next month, or next year.

When I get that promotion, after I lose some weight, or as soon as the kids leave for college, things will be better.

We always think our happiness is out there, someday. And we miss right now.

As Christians, we are challenged to live the here and now.

God is fully present right now. If anything is happening that is spiritually valid, it is happening here and now, at this moment.

God is always the God of Now. The art of spiritual living is to pay attention to the Spirit of God right where you are and to trust that He is in it with you.

Your life will be revealed to you a step at a time as you walk through it.

Can you be fully present to the moment in which you’re living?

For instance, try it right now. What else has been on your mind while you’ve read this page? What else has distracted you?

The core of mindfulness is being aware of your thoughts, sensations, and experiences just as they are, at this moment, without having to change anything.

It’s about being an expert at noticing, at taking life as it comes, and at not needing it to be a certain way for you to be happy.

You can be where you are.

You don’t have to try to get anywhere to be happy. You can be fully present in the moment and trust that even in the midst of pain and struggle, God is at work.

Your life is unfolding with a purpose, with a plan for your well-being.

By cultivating a nonjudgmental awareness, you begin to relax and see life as it is.

You find God active and present in each moment, being enough for you and giving you what you need for today.

Mindfulness helps you be here.

Be quiet. Listen. Avoid the distractions and learn to live in the moment. This is where God can be found.

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